Whether you're looking for a unit trust, direct bond/sukuk, personal investment solutions, bancassurance or will/wasiat writing, we offer a wide range of options for organizing your investment needs and financial goals.

Make your money work harder for you

AmBank’s Wealth Management offers a wide range of unit trust funds under one roof for your investment needs.  Plan your future now, invest today and grow your wealth!

Our AmBank Personal Bankers / Wealth Specialists / Relationship Managers can help you understand the principles of investing, determine your investment risk profile & create a tailored investment plan just for you!

Unit Trust

As our lives change, our financial needs & priorities change too. Think about your commitments and issues in your current life stage – trying to save, manage your debts, paying your mortgage… Or maybe it is investing/saving for a bigger house, or your child’s education, or making sure there’s enough put aside for a big holiday trip. Make your money work harder for you to achieve those big goals.

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Floating Rate Negotiable Instruments of Deposit (FRNID) & Islamic Negotiable Instruments of Deposit (NID-i)

Deposits with fixed tenures and returns linked to the performance of an underlying asset – that may be equities, bonds, commodities, foreign exchange, indices or combination of assets.

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Dual Currency Investment

Dual Currency Investments are short term non-principal protected structured investments where you invest a cash amount for a fixed tenure, potentially earning a higher yield than traditional deposits.

DCI offers you the flexibility of choosing your preferred investment currency and alternate currency. Upon maturity of the investment, you will receive the principal plus interest earned in either your investment currency or the alternate currency, at the pre-agreed exchange rate.

To find out more about how DCI works, click here.

Equity Linked Investments

Equity Linked Investment is a short term investment product. The investment is a structured product with an embedded derivative linked to the performance of an underlying stock. Upon maturity of product, you will receive your principal plus returns, either in cash OR shares at a pre-agreed price, depending on the closing price of the underlying stock at maturity.

  • Potentially higher returns than ordinary fixed deposits.
  • Choice of stocks to suit your investment view, risk appetite and return requirement.
  • Short term investment – tenure is typically 1 to 6 months.
  • Suitable for investors who have neutral or moderately bullish views on the underlying stock over the investment tenure.

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Bull Equity Linked Investment

Bull ELI is a short term structured product which combines the economics of a short put option on an equity or equity-linked instrument with a long cash position, which could potentially yield higher return than traditional deposits. It contains an embedded derivative linked to the performance of an underlying equity or equity-linked instrument and the actual returns on your investment depend on the price movement of the underlying equity or equity-linked instrument.

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Enhanced Equity Linked Investment

Enhanced ELI is a short term structured product which combines the economics of a short put option on an equity or equity-linked instrument with a long cash position, which could potentially yield higher return than traditional deposits. The put option that you sell to AmBank is a Knock-in put option. Knock-In put option is “triggered” or “activated” (knocked-in) only when the knock-in price level is hit.

Enhanced ELI is a structured product with an embedded derivative linked to the performance of an underlying equity or equity-linked instrument and the actual returns on your investment depend on the price movement of the underlying equity or equity-linked instrument.

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High Yield Equity Linked Investment

High Yield ELI is a short term structured product which combines the economics of a short put option position (after the disposal of an existing equity holding) on an equity or equity-linked instrument with a long cash position, which could potentially yield higher return than traditional deposits. High Yield ELI is a structured product with an embedded derivative linked to the performance of an underlying equity or equity-linked instrument and the actual returns on your investment depend on the price movement of the underlying equity or equity-linked instrument.

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While it is important to focus on your​ career or busin​ess to accumulate wealth, it is also critical that you protect your wealth should anything unforeseen happen. We believe you should include insurance as part of your total wealth management plan as it protects you, your loved ones and your hard-earned assets, giving you the confidence to live life to its fullest in times of uncertainty.

At AmBank, we offer a wide range of bancassurance solutions to suit your needs an​d affordability.

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Protection and Savings

Protecting you and your loved ones in the event misfortune befalls you and at the same time giving you the comfort of knowing that you are saving for their future.

Takaful Product

Protection and Investment

Balancing between protection against unforeseen misfortune and the potential of accumulating wealth to realise your financial dreams. 

Takaful Products

      Credit & Financing Related

      Relieving your loved ones from shouldering your debts or loans/financing in the unfortunate event of your disability or death.

      Takaful Products

      WHAT is a Will/Wasiat?

      • A Will/Wasiat is a legal document which outlines how a person intends to have his/her estate fairly distributed according to his/her wishes and/or other matters to take effect after the person’s demise as well as who will be responsible to administer it.

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      What are the Benefits and Purposes of a Will/Wasiat?

      • To avoid any DISPUTE and COMPLICATION in distributing the intended estate.
      • For a speedy transfer of assets to loved ones and to protect the beneficiaries who are minors/disabled.
      • If a person dies without leaving a valid Will/Wasiat, his/her estate may not be distributed to his/her intended beneficiaries.
      • For Muslims, a Wasiat allows a person to allocate 1/3 of his/her assets to any person of his/her choice and the remaining 2/3 to his/her rightful heir(s) under Faraid Laws.

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      WHY choose Will/Wasiat Writing by Amanah Raya?

      • Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) is Malaysia’s premier Trustee Company which is wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia and has been established since 1921.
      • ARB has more than 90 years of experience in the Legacy Management industry.
      • ARB is a market leader in providing a range of specialised Will/Wasiat, Trust and Estate services to all Malaysians.
      • There are 20 ARB branches nationwide. Click here for the full list of ARB branches.
      • ARB provides Will/Wasiat services for both Muslims and Non-Muslims.

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      WHAT is a Basic Will/Wasiat?

      • A Basic Will/Wasiat usually includes all the persons inheriting the estate, i.e., beneficiaries, who will be legally entitled to the assets of the person making the Will/Wasiat, i.e., testator, after the testator has passed away
      • A Basic Will/Wasiat is made up of a basic set of components:
        1. Identifies the testator
        2. Indicates that the testator is of sound mind and understands that the document is a Will/Wasiat
        3. States who the beneficiaries of the Will/Wasiat are and what they will be receiving.
        4. Names an executor, or person who will be responsible for distributing the assets to the beneficiaries
        5. Contains the signature of the testator
        6. Contains witness’s signature who will witness and attest on the testator’s signature

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      WHAT is a Comprehensive Will/Wasiat?

      • A Comprehensive Will/Wasiat is usually more detailed
      • Writing a Comprehensive Will/Wasiat requires the testator to list down all his/her assets and specific details of each asset, for example, the details found on a title deed or the Sale and Purchase agreement of a house
      • The testator can also put in a residuary clause in his/her Will/Wasiat to include assets that are to be acquired in the future or any future inheritances, including liquid assets

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      Smart Partnership Programme (SPP)

      Smart Partnership Programme (SPP) is a Telemarketing Loyalty Programme for AmBank Credit Card and Debit Card holders and their families. SPP consists of Conventional/Takaful Personal Accident Plan, Car Replacement Programme, Bonuslink/AmBonus Points (selected Credit Cards only) and Blood Test Voucher.

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      Conventional Personal Accident Plan

      Coverage for the Insured:

      • Accidental Death/Total Permanent Disablement (TPD)
      • Financial Obligation Benefit
      • Medical Expenses
      • Corrective Dental Surgery (Accidental)
      • Funeral Expenses
      • Repatriation Expenses
      • Ambulance Fees​

      Additional Coverage for Spouse and Children:

      • Accidental Death/Total Permanent Disablement (TPD)
      • Medical Expenses
      • Corrective Dental Surgery (Accidental)
      • Funeral Expenses
      • Repatriation Expenses
      • Ambulance Fees

      Takaful Personal Accident Plan

      Takaful Coverage:

      • Accidental Death
      • Total Permanent Disablement (TPD)
      • Hospital Allowance
      • Credit Shield

      Car Replacement Programme

      Car Replacement Programme:

      • Car Replacement (Theft/Road Accident only)
      • Emergency Auto Assistance:
        • Roadside Repair Assistance
        • 24-Hour Towing Service
        • Flat Battery Assistance
        • Flat Tyre Assistance
        • Emergency Fuel Delivery
        • Locksmith Services
        • Emergency Medical Assistance
        • Legal Advisory Services

      Basic Profile Blood Test

      Test List:

      • Hematology
      • Lipid Profile
      • Liver Function Tests
      • Diabetes Screening
      • Serology
      • Urine Examination
      • Renal Function

      Other Benefits

      • Bonuslink/AmBonus Points (selected Credit Cards only)

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