About FlexiSecure-i Link
What are the applicable Shariah concepts?
This plan applies the wakalah (agency) concept, where all Certificate Holders appoint AmMetLife Takaful as a wakeel (agent) to act on their behalf to invest and manage the Participant Investment Fund (“PIF”) and Participants Risk Fund (“PRF”). AmMetLife Takaful is entitled to a wakalah fee for managing and investing the funds.
This is the net of contribution after the deduction of the wakalah fee and will be allocated into the PIF. The tabarru’ amount is deducted monthly from your PIF and allocated into the PRF. The tabarru’ amount increases as you grow older.
This is an interest-free loan from AmMetLife Takaful in the event that the PRF is in deficit. The loan will be paid from the future surplus arising from the PRF.
What is the difference between a conventional based investment-linked plan and a takaful based investment-linked plan?
The main difference is that, with a takaful based investment-linked plan, the allocated contribution for investment purposes is invested in Shariah-approved funds. In addition, the plan enables you to benefit from the net surplus (if any) that is available in the PRF by crediting additional unit(s) into the PIF.
Key Benefits
Death or Total Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit
The basic sum covered from the Participants’ Risk Fund (“PRF”) PLUS the total account value available in the Participants Investment Fund (“PIF”) will be payable in the event of death or TPD, to reduce financial burden of your loves one. TPD coverage is provided up to age of 65, and the maximum benefit payable is RM2 million.
Maturity Benefit
When your plan reaches maturity, you will receive the total account values in the PIF.
Choice of Riders
There are a wide range of optional benefits to further enhance your coverage on medical, critical illness, accidental and disability
Partial Withdrawal
Should the need arise, partial withdrawals may be made from the PIF. The minimum withdrawal amount is RM1,000 and the minimum account value after partial withdrawal in the PIF is RM2,000.
Flexible Option
You can choose the amount of takaful coverage based on your needs, eg. lower takaful protection to allocate a greater portion of your contributions into investment, or vice versa.
Flexible Option Top-Ups
Top-ups can be made at any time to maximize your investment value at a minimum value of RM50.
Switching Fund
You can choose how your money is invested by switch between our 5 funds whenever you want, at no cost.
Attachable Riders
Personal Accident Rider
Hospital Benefit Rider
Contribution Waiver Rider
Payor Waiver Rider
Critical Illness Rider
The information, statement and/or descriptions contained herein are strictly meant to be general information for quick reference and illustration purposes only and are not intended to be the complete description of all terms and conditions applicable to any products mentioned herein. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS) for more information.
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