
Transfer Within AmBank​​​

1. What is Transfer within AmBank?
Transfer within AmBank refers to transfer to your own AmBank account or other accounts within AmBank.
2. How can I perform a transfer to my own AmBank account?

Launch AmOnline App and tap on the “Transfer Money” menu. Select the “Own” option and you will see your own AmBank currents/savings account, credit card and loan listed. Tap on the accounts that you want to transfer to proceed with the transaction.

From the end of June 2024 onwards, transfer to your own Ambank account (currents/savings account, credit card, loan) will require AmSecure authorisation if the transaction amount exceeds RM10,000.

3. How can I perform a transfer to other AmBank account?
Launch AmOnline App and go to “Transfer Money”> select the “New Recipient” option > select “AmBank” at the Bank Name drop down. If you have saved your other AmBank account details as favourite, go to “Transfer Money”> select “Favourite” option > select the favourite account.
4. Why I hit cooling-off message and can’t perform a transfer within AmBank?
There is no cooling-off needed when you are transferring to your own AmBank account. However, you will need to serve the predefined cooling-off period if you just bind your AmOnline profile to a personal mobile device. This is a security measure to temporarily restrict transactions via AmOnline. Full access will be restored automatically after the cooling-off period has ended. Refer to  “Cooling-off Period” FAQ for more details.
5. Any charges for using this service?
No, this service is free of charge.
6. What is the allowable daily limit?

It depends on the personal limit that you set for the transaction type. Go to AmOnline App > Tap on “More” > Tap on “Transaction Limit” > Select Transfer

For own AmBank accounts transfer, refer to “Own AmBank Account” personal limit.
For other AmBank accounts transfer, refer to “Other AmBank Account” personal limit. The maximum allowable limit is RM 50,000 per day.

Please note that you need to serve cooling-off period if you increase your transaction limit. Refer to “Transaction Limit” FAQ for more details.

7. How can I verify that I am transferring to a correct recipient?
For other AmBank account transfers, the recipient’s name will be shown on the Review & Confirm page for you to verify the recipient’s name. If the recipient’s name displayed is different from the person you intend to transfer to, please do not proceed and verify the details you have entered previously again.
8. How can I make a transaction faster without needing to enter the transfer details every time?

For other AmBank account transfers, you can do so by searching for the transaction at Recent AmOnline Transactions, expand the transaction and select Repeat Transaction. You will be navigating to the input page with all the transfer details pre-filled for you and you will need to confirm it before proceeding for AmSecure Authorisation.

You will be navigating to the input page to confirm your transaction before proceeding for AmSecure Authorisation.

9. How do I view the details of my past transactions?
For transactions performed using AmOnline, you can view your it in Recent AmOnline Transactions. Subsequently, you can also view your account transaction history in your account details.
10. How do I share transaction receipt of the transfer that I just made?
After making a transaction, you can tap on the ‘Share Receipt’ button. Alternatively, you can view your transaction in Recent AmOnline Transactions to view and share the receipt.
11. Can I schedule a transfer within AmBank?

Yes, you can either schedule a transfer within AmBank for one-time or recurring. To schedule a transfer, follow below steps:

  1. After keying in your amount, choose “Transfer Later”.
  2. For one-time transfer, select the date you want to transfer. It must be at a future date.
  3. For recuring transfer, select the ‘Set as recurring’ checkbox. Select the frequency and end date/number of times of your recurring transfer.

You will receive notifications upon successful transfer on the scheduled date.

12. Where can I view my scheduled transaction?
Go to AmOnline app > tap “Menu” > select “Scheduled Transactions”.
13. Is the transfer from other bank via FPX immediate?
Yes, it is immediate. You can see the transaction status displayed at Recent AmOnline Transactions. This option is only available for transfer to own AmBank account.
14. I performed a transfer via FPX but transaction shows “Pending Verification”. Why is my transaction pending verification, but my other bank account balance is deducted?
For security reasons, we need to do further verification. We will notify you on the verification status. Alternatively, you can also check the status at Recent AmOnline Transactions.
15. I performed a transfer via FPX but transaction shows “Transfer Accepted for Processing”. Why is my transaction accepted for processing, but my other bank account balance has already been deducted?
You may see this transaction status if there is an intermittent issue. We will notify you of the transaction status after the transaction is processed. Alternatively, you can also check the status at Recent AmOnline Transactions.
16. I performed a transfer via FPX and my other bank account has been deducted. The transaction shows unsuccessful, or I received notification that the transaction was unsuccessful. When will the money be refunded?

Money will be refunded to you within 3 business days. Please call our contact center if you still have not received the refund after 3 business days.

Note: Business working days refer to weekdays; exclude public holidays.