Bancassurance Service Guide

Before you buy a policy
Assist You In Choosing The Right Insurance Plan
- Go through the Customer Fact Find form with you to understand your insurance needs and financial goals.
- Recommend a suitable insurance plan after assessing your needs.
Explain Product Features
- Explain the product features, benefits payable, exclusions, premiums and charges.
- Provide Product Disclosure Sheet to assist you in making an informed decision and to facilitate product comparison.

When you decide to buy a policy
Assist You With The Policy Application
- Explain the importance of answering the questions in the proposal form fully and accurately.
- Submit your application for underwriting after you have signed the proposal form.
- Arrange for medical examination with one of our panel clinics, if required.
- Provide information and assist in making a nomination to ensure policy moneys are received by your beneficiaries in the event of death.
Explain The Policy Terms And Conditions
- Go through the policy terms and conditions with you to ensure that this is the right plan that you have purchased.

During the term of the policy
Continuous Policy Servicing
- Assist in submitting your service requests to AmMetLife Insurance Berhad, e.g. policy modifications, change of address and frequency of premium payments.
Assist You In Making A Claim
- Assist in submitting your claim forms and documents to AmMetLife Insurance Berhad.
BancaTakaful Service Guide

Before you participate in a Takaful Plan
Assist You In Choosing The Right Takaful Plan
- Go through the AmMetLife Takaful Planner (Consumer Fact Finding Form) with you to understand your financial needs and risk appetite.
- Recommend a suitable Takaful plan(s) based on the facts furnished in the form.
Explain Product Features
- Explain the product features, benefits payable, exclusions, premiums and charges.
- Provide Product Disclosure Sheet to assist you in making an informed decision and to facilitate product comparison.

When you decide to participate in a Takaful Plan
Assist You in Completing the Takaful Application
- Explain the importance of answering the questions in the proposal form fully and accurately.
- Provide information on making a nomination to ensure benefits payable are received by your nominee or beneficiaries in the event of death.
- Submit your application with completed documents for underwriting after you have signed the proposal form.
- Arrange for medical examination with one of our panel clinics, if required.
Explain The Certificate Terms And Conditions
- Your Takaful certificate will be delivered to you (by hand or via post) within 15 days after certificate issuance.
- Go through the certificate terms and conditions with you to ensure that this is the right Takaful plan that you have participated in.

During the term of the Takaful Plan
Continuous Certificate Servicing
- Assist in the renewal process of the certificate.
- Provide continuous service e.g. certificate modifications, change of address and frequency of contributions.
- If the agent/bank representative has left the Company, we shall appoint a new agent/bank representative to service you.
Assist You In Making A Claim
- Guide you/your nominee through the standard procedures on how to file a Takaful claim.