Link your Tabung Haji account in 10 seconds!

Yes, it is easy! Here are only 4 steps for you to do

Step 1

Log-in to your AmOnline, choose Tabung Haji and
click Link TH Account

Link TH Step 1

Step 2

Enter your Tabung Haji account number

Link TH Step 2

Step 3

Confirm the linkage by approving via AmSecure

Link TH Step 3

Step 4

You are linked now!

Link TH Step 4

Exciting New Features For You

Registration of Hajj
Check Hajj Status
Link Trustee Account
Recurring Transfer

Step 1

Select Register for Hajj

Step 2

Enter Required Info

Step 3

Approve via AmSecure

Step 4


Step 1

Select Check Hajj Status

Step 2

Enter Required Info

Step 3


Step 1

Select Link Trustee account

Step 2

Enter Required Info

Step 3

Approve via AmSecure

Step 4


Step 1

Select Transfer Money to Own/favourite

Step 2

Select Transfer Later

Step 3

Select How Often
Weekly, Monthly

Step 4


Why Link Your Tabung Haji with AmOnline Now?


Tabung Haji transaction can be done via fingertips through AmOnline anytime anywhere.


Transactions are done on real-time basis and you can view your Tabung Haji balance immediately.

Existing Features

Link and Unlink AccountLink your TH Account with AmOnline to easily save your money for Hajj
2Transfer Money
  • AmBank/AmBank Islamic Account to Own/Third Party Tabung Haji Account
  • Tabung Haji Account to Third Party Tabung Haji Account​
  • Tabung Haji Account to AmBank/AmBank Islamic Account​
3Check BalanceView your accounts balances real-time on Tabung Haji Dashboard
4View Transaction HistoryView your accounts transaction history real-time
5View/Download Mini E-StatementsStatements Download your mini e-statements by click download button under Tabung Haji Dashboard
6Transaction LimitMaximum amount is Ringgit Malaysia Ten Thousand (RM 10,000) for own Tabung Haji transactions and Ringgit Malaysia Five Thousand (RM 5,000) for third party Tabung Haji transactions.


Services via AmOnlineRM
Fund Transfer 1.00
Balance InquiryNil
Limit MaintenanceNil

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