Double the Rewards by joining AmBank Signature Priority Banking
Boost your returns with the perfect bundle!
Combine your Fixed Deposit (FD)/Term Deposit-i (TD-i) placement with Unit Trust investment at 90%:10% ratio and enjoy higher returns.
Combine your Fixed Deposit (FD)/Term Deposit-i (TD-i) placement with Unit Trust investment at 90%:10% ratio and enjoy higher returns.

Visit your nearest AmBank/AmBank Islamic branch to invest today!
Campaign Period: 18 December 2024 - 31 March 2025
Terms and conditions:
Only Fixed Deposit/Term deposit-i portion are protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.
A PIDM member.
Unit Trust is considered as investment products and are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by the bank and are subject to investment
risks (e.g. market risk, currency risk and issuer credit risk) including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors are advised
to read and understand the content of the relevant documents including but not limited to prospectus or information memorandum and
product highlights sheet before investing. Investors should also consider all the fees and charges involved before investing. Prices of units
and income distribution, if any, may go down as well as up; where past performance is no guarantee and not an indication of future performance.
Investors should carefully consider whether any investment views or investment products are appropriate in view of their own investment
experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances.