eInvoice Page Banner
Please complete your details below as accurately as possible in order for us to ensure your details are updated correctly with LHDN.
Full Name
Passport Number
Tax Identification Number (TIN)
This is the Tax Identification Number (β€˜TIN’) allocated to you by the Inland Revenue Boards of Malaysia. You can check your TIN via MyTaxPortal. In the event you are unable to check your TIN via the MyTax Portal, you can use the e-Daftar on the MyTaxPortal platform to obtain your TIN.
Sales & Service Tax Number (SST) (If Applicable)
This is the number allocated to you by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department if you are registered for Sales Tax or Service Tax. You can check your registration number on the Customs MySST Portal.
Email Address
This e-mail address will be used for e-invoice and e-invoice related communications from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia only. This e-mail address will not override your existing e-mail address registered with the Bank.
Contact Number
This is mandatory data which is required to be submitted to the LHDN for e-invoicing purposes. Kindly include your appropriate country code as a prefix. For example, Malaysia β€˜+60123456789’.