Brew your business success today!

If you’d like a triple shot of business success, AmBank SME Amplify will fulfil your order!

We’ll help you pay your employees more efficiently, easily apply for loans/financing and enjoy same-day settlement. And it all comes with our reliable online security.

Contact us and get a taste of AmBank SME Amplify today!

SME Working Capital Loan/Financing Thumbnail Image

SME Working Capital Loan/Financing*

Payroll Solutions Thumbnail Image

Payroll Solutions

AmBank Merchant Business Solutions Thumbnail Image

AmBank Merchant
Business Solutions

Terms and condit​ions apply

Register for AmBank SME Amplify here:

Company Name
Do not change FieldName - ClientName, and max length - 100 for this input. May remove if not needed.
Do not change FieldName - ClientName, and max length - 100 for this input. May remove if not needed.
Mobile No (eg. 0123456789)
Do not change FieldName - ClientContactNo, and max length - 12 for this input. May remove if not needed.
My Address Postcode
I'm interested in
Business Current Account/Business Current Account-i
AmBank@work Payroll Solutions
SME Working Capital Loan / Financing
Merchant Business Solutions
Foreign Exchange (FOREX)
AmBank Visa Infinite Business Card
I, hereby give my consent for AmBank Group to process my personal data for the intended usage as stated under the Privacy Notice which is made available at AmBank/AmBank Islamic branches and websites