Calculate Your Credit Card/-i Payment

We can help you estimate how long it will take to pay off your credit card/-i balance and the total interest rate/management fee you will be charged, based on the minimum monthly payment.
Complete the fields below to find out how long it will take to pay off your credit card/-i balance if you only pay the minimum amount.

Outstanding Balance

This field is required

Interest Rate

% p.a
This field is required

Minimum Monthly Repayment


Repayment Period


Total Interest Incurred


Total Amount to be settled



  • The calculator serves as an indicative illustration to assist cardholders to compute how long it will take to fully settle their outstanding credit card/-i balance.
  • The above illustration is based on an annual interest rate/management fee, at an assumption that there are no new transactions made on the card and number of days in a month is 30 days.
  • Your actual minimum monthly payment may vary depending on your transactions and balances.