About WealthSecure Max
What is WealthSecure Max?
WealthSecure Max is an affordable Non-Participating Limited Premium
Endowment Plan with Guaranteed Cash Payment designed to provide
protection and help you save for a brighter future. Besides Guaranteed
Cash Payment, it promises a Maturity Benefit that is equivalent to the
total premium paid*. What’s more, you have the flexibility to choose the
amount you want to save every month in line with your financial goals and
budget. With WealthSecure Max, you now have the power to secure
your future the hassle-free way.
Key Benefits
Affordable monthly premiums
You may choose the monthly premium depending on your financial needs and affordability.
Guaranteed Cash Payment
Enjoy a regular stream of income with Guaranteed Cash Payment of 6% of the Initial Sum Assured! It is payable every 2 years on the survival of Life Assured to the due date of such payment, starting from the end of policy year 2.
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit
Upon the survival of Life Assured at maturity, you will receive total premium paid.
Triple protection
for death/Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) due to natural causes - 3 times of Initial Sum Assured from policy year 5 onwards (TPD up to age 65 subject to a maximum benefit of RM2 million per life basis).
Accidental coverage
6 times of Initial Sum Assured up to age 65 and 3 times thereafter.
Shorter Premium Payment Term
You will enjoy the advantage of a limited premium payment term of 10 years with coverage up to 20 years.
Member of PIDM
The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact AmMetLife Insurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my)
Learn More
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