Take the heat off yourself and protect your property with fire coverage

Available for building, plant, machinery and stock.

Key Benefits

Fire and lightning

Damage caused by fire and lightning

Domestic gas explosions

Damage caused by explosions of domestic gas cylinders or domestic boilers used for illumination or domestic purposes in a building in which gas is not generated or forming part of a gas work


Water or extinguishing agents

Damage caused by water or other extinguishing agents used to put out the fire

Access to fire

Damage resulting from gaining access to fire


Smoke damages caused by fire

Optional extensions

  • Aircraft damage
  • Earthquake and volcanic eruption
  • Storm tempest
  • Flood
  • Explosion
  • Impact damage
  • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks apparatus or pipes
  • Electrical installation
  • Bush/lalang fire
  • Subsidence & landslip
  • Spontaneous combustion
  • Riot strike
  • Malicious damage

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