Credit Cards

Apply for AmFlexi-Pay​

1. What is AmFlexi-Pay?
AmFlexi-Pay allows you to convert retail transactions performed on your AmBank credit card/credit card-i into affordable monthly instalments.
2. What is the minimum amount for AmFlexi-Pay application?
The minimum amount per transaction is RM500.
3. What type of credit card/credit card-i transactions are eligible for conversion to AmFlexi-Pay?

Transactions which are eligible for conversion to AmFlexi-Pay are:

  • Retail transactions that meet the minimum amount of RM500.
  • Retail transactions exclude cash advance or payment of instalments under the other instalment payment plans provided by the Bank or any other bank or financial institution, payment of instalment under balance transfer and settlement of any annual fee, outstanding balances or finance charges, early settlement charges or late payment charges imposed by the Bank under and/or pursuant to the terms of the Cardholder Agreement.
  • The retail transaction must be reflected in the credit card/credit card-i current month’s statement and converted no later than (5) five calendar days before the subsequent month’s statement.
  • For more details on eligible conversion, you may refer to FPP Terms and conditions in our website at
4. How many retail transactions can be converted to AmFlexi-Pay?

There is no limit on the number of retail transactions that can be converted to AmFlexi-Pay so long as the retail transactions are eligible for conversion.​

Do take note that if you are applying for AmFlexi-Pay via AmOnline, you may choose to convert up to (10) ten eligible transactions in one application. If you would like to convert more than (10) ten eligible transactions, you may do so in a separate application.

5. May I cancel or opt for early settlement for my AmFlexi-Pay?
Yes, but do take note that there will be an early settlement fee of RM50 (not applicable to TRUE by AmBank Visa Card, AmBank BonusLink Visa Card and AmBank M-Card).​
6. How can I apply for AmFlexi-Pay via AmOnline App?

You may scroll down to 'Do More with AmOnline' on Home dashboard > Apply for More Services> Do More With Your Card > Apply AmFlexi-Pay.

Alternatively, you may select the card you wish to apply for AmFlexi-Pay on 'Account' Dashboard > Cards. Once land on Card Details page, you may scroll down 'Transactions' section and select the transaction to convert to instalment.

7. How do I identify which transactions are eligible for AmFlexi-Pay conversion via AmOnline App?
A “Convert to Instalment” hyperlink will be displayed on your Transaction History Page if the transaction is eligible for conversion.
8. How long will it take for my application to be processed?
Your application will be processed within (3) three calendar days.
9. When can I see the transaction(s) that I have converted to AmFlexi-Pay Application via AmOnline to be reflected in my e-Statement?
Once your AmFlexi-Pay Application via AmOnline has been approved, it will be reflected in your following month’s e-Statement.
10. Can I track my application status and application history via AmOnline App?

Yes, you may tap on ‘View Application History’ once you have submitted your AmFlexi-Pay application. You may navigate via 'More' at bottom navigation > Apply for More Services > View Application History.

Under the Transaction History page, you will also see a caption displaying the status of the transaction that you have selected to convert to AmFlexi-Pay i.e. ‘AmFlexi-Pay Application Submitted’ or ‘AmFlexi-Pay Application Approved’.

11. Can I apply for AmFlexi-Pay via AmOnline Web?

Yes, you may tap on ‘View Application History’ once you have submitted your AmFlexi-Pay application. You may navigate via 'More' at bottom navigation > Apply for More Services > View Application History.

Yes, but you would need to complete the application via AmOnline App after you tap on 'I'm interested (AmFlexi-Pay)' under Apply for More Services.