

Forgot Username / Password​

1. I have forgotten my AmOnline username or password. What should I do?

You can retrieve your AmOnline username and reset your password by going your AmOnline app > tap “Forgot Username/Password” when attempting to log in. You will need to select the correct card/account type to retrieve your username. To reset your password, continue by following the instructions on screen.

2. I want to change my AmOnline password. What should I do?

Launch your AmOnline app > tap “More” on the bottom menu > tap “Change Password”. Enter and confirm your new password,  and verify via AmSecure to complete the process.

Tips: Your password must be 10 to 18 characters long and include letters (uppercase AND lowercase), number, and special character (e.g. !@#$%^&*()-+).

3. How do I know which card/account type to choose when retrieving username or resetting password?

Always choose a card/account with the highest security control over your AmOnline account - debit card is the best, followed by credit card/card-i and lastly, loan/financing account.

4. I registered for AmOnline using an old credit card/card-i and I have that credit card/card-i replaced. Can I retrieve my AmOnline username or password with the new credit card/card-i?

Yes, you can. You can also use your AmBank debit card if you have one.

5. I have both debit card and loan/financing with AmBank. Can I use loan/financing to retrieve my AmOnline username?
No, you must use your debit card for this purpose. Debit cards have better security control over your AmOnline account.
6. How do I create a strong AmOnline password that is secure?

To prevent unauthorised access to your AmOnline account, refer to DO’s and DON’T’s below:

Create a password combination of
  • Uppercase letters,
  • Lowercase letters,
  • At least a number and
  • At least one special character (e.g !@#*$)
DO NOT choose a password which is the same as your username
Memorise your passwordDO NOT choose your name, date of birth or your phone number as your password

Change your password frequently

*Note: AmOnline will remind you to change your password from time to time.

DO NOT share your password with everyone
Create a password that is hard to guessDO NOT store your password in internet browser


7. How to create a hard-to-guess password?

Your password must have a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Try the following method but do not copy the examples:

Think of a short sentence:

E.g: Running in the rain -> ruNn1ng!n5heR@in
E.g: I love my parents -> 1L@v5paRent$