

Forgot Username / Password​

1. I have forgotten my AmOnline username or password. What should I do?
We can retrieve your AmOnline username and reset your password. You will need to select the correct card/account type to retrieve your username. Allow us to authenticate you before retrieving your username or reset password. Follow the step-by-step throughout the process.
2. How do I know which card/account type to choose when retrieving username or resetting password?
Always choose a card/account with the highest security control over your AmOnline account - debit card is the best, followed by credit card/card-i and lastly, loan/financing account.
3. I registered for AmOnline using an old credit card/card-i and I have that credit card/card-i replaced. Can I retrieve my AmOnline username or password with the new credit card/card-i?
Yes, you can. You can also use your AmBank debit card if you have one.
4. I have both debit card and loan/financing with AmBank. Can I use loan/financing to retrieve my AmOnline username?
No, you must use your debit card for this purpose. Debit cards have better security control over your AmOnline account.
5. How do I create a strong AmOnline password that is secure?

To prevent unauthorised access to your AmOnline account, refer to DO’s and DON’T’s below:

Create a password combination of
  • Uppercase letters,
  • Lowercase letters,
  • At least a number and
  • At least one special character (e.g !@#*$)
DO NOT choose a password which is the same as your username
Memorise your passwordDO NOT choose your name, date of birth or your phone number as your password
Change your password frequentlyDO NOT share your password with everyone
Create a password that is hard to guessDO NOT store your password in internet browser


6. How to create a hard-to-guess password?

Your password must have a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Try the following method but do not copy the examples:

Think of a short sentence:

E.g: Running in the rain -> ruNn1ng!n5heR@in
E.g: I love my parents -> 1L@v5paRent$