Other Features

Welcome Challenge

1. I saw there is a 'Welcome Aboard' tile at the Home Dashboard, what is it for?

This is the first gamification challenge enabled in AmOnline to help you familiarise yourself with the important features in AmOnline.

You need to perform a list of tasks to complete this challenge and unlock the first badge. You can find the list of tasks under “Me”.




2. Is it compulsory to complete the challenge?

No, it is not compulsory to complete the challenge. The challenge is to help you to familiarise yourself with the AmOnline app. Once you have completed a task, the task will be automatically ticked.

3. Is there any prerequisite to participate in this challenge?
You must have an active current or savings account/-i.
4.What is the reward for completing the challenge?

You unlock your first badge which is the ‘Welcome Aboard' badge. Stay tuned for more challenges and interesting rewards in AmOnline soon.