Manage Settings

Personal Information​

1. How frequently should I update my personal information in AmOnline?
Whenever there is a change to your personal / employment details, we recommend you update them via AmOnline.





2. Why am I being asked to update my personal information through AmOnline after logging in?

If we noticed that you have not updated your personal information for some time, we will prompt you for an update. We are required to keep a record of your latest and accurate information. This is to help us provide you with a better service in the future and to ensure we do not have any outdated or inaccurate information on you.

3. Can I choose to update my information another time?
Yes. You may choose to update your information at the next login session.

Note: You may only do this twice, after which, you must update your information before you can use other AmOnline features.
4. Will my TAC-receiving mobile number change when I update my mobile number via AmOnline?

No. Your TAC-receiving mobile number will not be updated. Please contact AmBank Contact Center to change your TAC-receiving mobile number.

5. Will my statement mailing address get updated after I perform personal information update in AmOnline?

Yes, it may take 3-5 working days to have it updated.


6. Is my Personal Information protected in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA)?

Yes. To learn more, please read our Privacy Notice.